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Curriculum / Cwricwlwm

Curriculum Adoption Statement

Brynteg School has committed to introducing the new Curriculum for Wales for year 7 pupils from September 2022. This is an exciting time for us as a school with the new curriculum model offering us the opportunity to provide all of our pupils with learning experiences which truly inspire, enthuse and prepare them well for life beyond our school.

The curriculum model has been designed after consultation with pupils, parents, carers and staff. The principle of ‘co-construction’ is a crucial part of our work as we seek to develop learning experiences which are relevant to all pupils and address their needs, as well as ensuring that our curriculum model reflects the needs of our wider community. Whilst all key stakeholders have been involved in the process, our pupils have been the driving force behind our new curriculum model with the main features all reflecting the feedback received from our pupil voice sessions.

Identifying experiences, knowledge and skills within and across clusters using the statements of What Matters, Descriptions of Learning and the Principles of Progression as a guiding framework, has helped to create the learning opportunities within our new curriculum model. This work has been driven by the commitment to ensuring pupils make progress towards the four purposes, whilst at the same time being underpinned by the core values of the school and cross-curricular skills.

Central to our plans has been the commitment to ensure that all of our pupils make progress and that this is captured in a way that complements and not hinders the learning process. Formative assessment forms an important part of our model where individual pupils will be provided with continuous support throughout their learning journey. As pupils develop their learning portfolio, this will allow learning to be identified, captured and reflected on, giving more summative feedback. Our plans also include ensuring that assessment information informs us of group progress in order to ensure that we can reflect on our practice.

The school has a detailed framework for self-evaluation which involves all stakeholders and which addresses all aspects of our provision. Our new curriculum model will be part of this process from the outset and opportunities will be taken to reflect and refine as this develops over time. In this way we can ensure that the learning experiences for our pupils will always be relevant, inspiring and provide challenge for all.