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Our Staff / Ein Staff

The staff team at Brynteg really are a huge asset of the school. Teaching and support staff work closely together to ensure that all pupils get the best possible experience.

The Leadership Team consists of a Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and 3 Assistant Headteachers

Learning and Teaching and Teaching is organised into 6 Learning Clusters:

  • Expressive Arts

  • Health, Wellbeing and Wider Learning

  • Humanities

  • Languages, Literacy and Communication

  • Maths and Computer Science

  • Science and Technology

Each Learning Cluster is led by a Cluster Leader, supported by Learning Coordinators.

Each Year Group is led by a Year Leader, supported by an Assistant Year Leader and a team of Form Tutors.

Our Additional Learning Needs Team provides support for pupils who require it and is led by an Additional Learning Needs Coordinator.

Support staff teams are organised as follows:

  • Administrative

  • Additional Learning Needs

  • Technician Support

  • Premises

Premises Team Email  

Pupil Support (ALN and Pupil Wellbeing)

ALN Department - To be updated

Mrs N Williams ALNCO / ALN Leader 

Mrs K Green ALN Teacher

ALN team

Ms J Jones Pupil Health and Wellbeing Officer 

Mrs R Jenkins

Pupil / Visitor Receptionist Administration Officer